Technical note: 5th antivirus and client interface

Improved virus detection

Despite the presence of 4 serial antivirus programs native to the Altospam service, recent events have led us to further tighten the security of e-mail inboxes, without losing sight of our priority: maintaining a false positive rate close to zero.

To achieve this, we have optimized the updating and processing of emails by the anti-virus software built into our anti-spam solution. We’ve also added a 5th antivirus: Dr.Web, to further enhance the system’s overall effectiveness. If you would like to integrate Dr.Web solutions into your organization, please contact Doctor Web France directly on 0390404038, who will make you a particularly attractive offer.

To complete the picture, our R&D department has developed and implemented a suspicious attachment detection system based, in short, on the repetition of identical files in several separate emails from different networks. This innovative system, recently integrated into Altospam, is designed to automatically detect malicious attachments not detected by anti-virus software. The aim is to use this feedback to feed anti-spam software and block emails containing dangerous files.

At the same time, we continue to update our anti-spam engines on a daily basis, enabling us to provide an effective response to antivirus weaknesses. You can find an article about this “virus-flash” problem at: https: //

Administration interface

The administration interface continues to evolve to make our services more functional, efficient and secure. You can now :
search logs over several days (up to one month),
– view detailed logs with direct access to raw logs (by clicking on the message identifier),
– search for topics encoded in Mime RFC2047.

To keep up with all the latest Oktey and Altospam news, we remind you that you can consult our news website here, not forgetting twitter. And don’t forget that we’re always available to answer your questions at or by phone on 0825 950 038.

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Thousands of companies, CTOs, CIOs, CISOs and IT managers already trust us to protect their e-mail against phishing, spear phishing, ransomware, …