ALTOSPAM 2009 statistics

91.93% spammed in 2009

Over the last 3 months of 2009, we recorded an average of 93.16% spam and 0.52% viruses for all our customers.

We’re still seeing an increase in the number of spam messages, but we’re close to the theoretical limit! Over 2009, the spam rate averaged 91.93%, over the last quarter the average was 93.16%, and in December we recorded 93.37%. In terms of viruses, the average for the year and for December is strictly the same, at 0.23%. September was a very virulent month, approaching 1%, while the average for the last quarter of 2009 was 0.52%.

ALTOSPAM 2009 statistics

At the start of 2010, over the first 23 days, we have once again seen an increase in the number of spam messages, averaging 94.44%. As for viruses, they seem to be less and less present, representing less than 0.11% of emails received.

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