Important definitions

by Altospam

Definitions: spam, false-positive, false-negative

Spam is a prospecting technique involving the mass distribution of unsolicited information, often of an advertising nature, by e-mail. We consider as spam all emails that do not comply with the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy (LEN) of June 22, 2004, supplemented by the interpretation clarifications defined by the CNIL at the meeting of February 17, 2005.

Antispam is a system enabling the end user (the customer and his staff) to protect themselves as much as possible against receiving unsolicited emails classified as spam.
The false-positive rate is the percentage of legitimate e-mails wrongly identified as spam by the anti-spam software. The false-negative rate is the percentage of spam messages interpreted by antispam as legitimate e-mail.

The two rates above are measures of the quality of an antispam solution. The lower these rates, the more efficient the solution. However, these two rates always vary inversely. The Service Provider’s aim is to minimize the false-positive rate, which is more detrimental to the Customer.

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