Customer review: IMP Industries, ALTOSPAM partner since 2006

by Altospam


Hosting and IT integrator for small and medium-sized businesses
Computerized management of fire department Alert 18
2 branches: Bordeaux, Saint Pierre du Mont
National coverage
Partner HP, Oracle, Cisco, Divalto, Microsoft, Altospam

IMP Industries has been an Altospam partner since 2006, and with Mailsafe and MailOut has found comprehensive email security solutions.

Presentation of IMP Industries

IMP Industries is a digital services company founded in 1978 and headquartered in Saint Pierre du Mont, France. The company provides a comprehensive range of services to small and medium-sized businesses, including hardware, specific software, ERP, business intelligence, telephony, hosting, networks and security. IMP Industries supports its customers from needs analysis through to full deployment of the chosen solutions, while providing training, maintenance and facilities management. All these solutions are accessible in Cloud mode from our 2 sites in Saint Pierre du Mont and Bordeaux. The company also provides SDIS (Service Départemental d’Incendie et de Secours) with an 18-alert management solution.

IMP Industries’ needs

Text IMP Industries has been an Oktey partner since 2006, and with Altospam, an inbound email filtering service, and MailOut, an outbound filtering system, has found comprehensive solutions for securing electronic messages. The need for reliability and flexibility came together for IMP Industries. This partnership enables us to offer our customers optimum e-mail security.

Benefits for IMP Industries

Text Thanks to the integration of Altospam into its offer, IMP Industries saves time in its day-to-day email management, both for itself and for its customers: unwanted and dangerous messages are stopped before they reach the corporate network.
In the event of mail server unavailability, IMP Industries relies on Oktey to manage the retention of emails and deliver them as soon as service is restored.
MailOut provides IMP Industries with improved email deliverability and avoids the inconvenience of blacklisting, among other things. The anti-advertising option is also appreciated by IMP Industries to avoid being polluted by advertising messages considered by some users to be inappropriate.
Available and responsive Internet and telephone support is a real added value for IMP Industries and its customers.

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Thousands of companies, CTOs, CIOs, CISOs and IT managers already trust us to protect their e-mail against phishing, spear phishing, ransomware, …