Email verification tools to avoid being considered a spammer

by Stephane

Email deliverability analysis tools

When you send an e-mail, several things can happen: either the e-mail reaches the recipient’s inbox without a hitch, or the recipient doesn’t exist or no longer exists, or it is filtered by your correspondent’s anti-spam software. In an email campaign, these uncertainties can have a detrimental effect on the real impact of your campaign.

It’s therefore important to ensure the quality of your email infrastructure and the deliverability of your emails. This can be done using verification tools available on the Internet. The purpose of these tests is to validate the content of the e-mail, or to point out any inconsistencies in your e-mail architecture, so that your message is not considered spam. Here are a few free tools whose services can be used to test the deliverability of a mailing or emailing.

As the technologies and analysis systems offered by the various anti-spam testing tools are very diverse, we have rated them from 1 to 3 stars (average, good, excellent) to make your choice easier. These assessments were based on a number of essential criteria: the design or overall aesthetic appearance of the website and its ease of use, the completeness of the analysis and tests carried out, the quality of the results provided, and the ease of understanding the actions to be taken. The average of all these ratings forms the tool’s overall score.



1 – The Mail Tester tool

This free tool increases email deliverability and reduces the number of spam rejections. Easy to use, users simply post their e-mail to the address automatically generated by the tool. It’s also possible to change the destination address to a personalized one, as long as you keep the “” domain name.

In addition to the performance score, the Mail Tester tool offers a very well broken-down result: display of e-mail in various formats, verification with an open source spam filter, DKIM signature validation check, comparison of server IP address with notorious blacklist database, search for possible errors and broken links in content.

Design : ***
Completeness : ***
Quality : ***
Comprehension : **
Overall score : ***

Mail Tester website:



2 – Spam Score Checker tool

Spam score checker works like any other email testing tool. Although it’s free to use, users are required to register before they can use it. After analysis, the tool will provide a spam rate score, enabling web users to correct any errors reported in their e-mail to increase deliverability.

Design : ***
Completeness : **
Quality : *
Understanding : *
Overall score : **

Spam Score Checker website



3 – The Email Spam Test tool

Easy to use, this free anti-spam test tool helps users to check whether their email will be considered spam. It will then be deleted once it has been correctly sent to the recipient’s inbox.

The result is based on title, HTML source, content, SpamAssassin filter ground rules and analyzed links.

Design : **
Completeness : **
Quality : **
Understanding : **
Overall score : **

Email spam test website



4 – The Email Spam Checker tool

This free tool is also a “spam test” used to check the validity of an e-mail. After posting the complete content of an e-mail in HTML format, the spam filter will provide a score with its rating: excellent or good below 5. The tool will also highlight any problems that could result in the e-mail not reaching the recipient’s mailbox if not corrected.

Design : *
Completeness : **
Quality : **
Comprehension : **
Overall score : **

Email spam checker website



5 – The Mailing Spam Check tool

The free Mailing Spam Check tool is an installation program, not an online tool like other services. This tool is free to download. As far as its use is concerned, after passing through the filters set up by several specific tests, a spam rate will be issued. A high score means that the email is highly likely to be considered spam. The score obtained, together with a report on the tests carried out, will be included in the e-mail header before dispatch.

To sum up its features, the free Mailing Spam tool allows you to check the spam rate of e-mails before they are sent, with the aim of improving their delivery. A SpamAssasin filter, a Razor engine, SURBL blacklists and spam cleaning tracks are all included in this tool.

Design : **
Completeness : ***
Quality : **
Understanding : *
Overall score : **

Mailing spam check



6 – The Puts Mail tool

Puts Mail is a free basic test service for checking the deliverability of HTML e-mails. By doing so, the user will be able to see the display of his email once it has been sent to the recipient’s inbox. By taking note of existing errors, it is possible to make corrections and improve the dispatch rate.

Design : **
Completeness : **
Quality : **
Understanding : *
Overall score : **

Puts mail website



7 – Lyris ContentChecker tool

It’s a free tool that lets you find out the spam score of an email, with the aim of improving its deliverability. The filter used allows you to test the e-mail, taking into account the basic rules in place. The analysis gives an overview of how emails are filtered and directed, and offers users the opportunity to correct their content so that they land directly in the recipients’ inboxes.

Design : ***
Completeness : **
Quality : ***
Understanding : **
Overall score : ***

Lyris ContentChecker website



8 – The Email on Acid tool

Email on Acid is a fee-based service enabling users to test their emails in HTML format to ensure that they display correctly when received by recipients. It can also measure and diagnose deliverability, and track the opening of sent e-mails.

After a brief registration, the tool runs free of charge for 7 days. After that, users will have to take out a paid subscription to continue using it. After the test, an HTML analysis will be displayed, including the bugs detected. Users are free to correct their email or send it as is.

Design : ***
Completeness : **
Quality : **
Comprehension : **
Overall score : **

Email on Acid website



9 – The Litmus tool

Generally speaking, Litmus offers the same features as all other email testing tools. However, a paid subscription will be required after a 7-day free trial.

All the tests carried out included the spam filters used by ISPs and webmail providers, as well as those used by companies. The tool provides the spam score obtained by the e-mail and explanations of this score so that users can improve it. It also checks whether the IP address is on the most popular blacklists. The tool also certifies that e-mail authentication is correct.

Design : **
Completeness : ***
Quality : ***
Understanding : ***
Overall score : ***




Summary table







Overall rating

Mail Tester






Spam Score Checker






Email Spam Test






Email Spam Checker






Mailing Spam Check






Puts Mail






Lyris Content Checker






Email on Acid













The three best tools for checking the quality level of an email are Mail Tester, Lyris Content Checker and Litus, as they are easy to use and offer a fairly detailed result. MailTester stands out from the crowd, however, because it’s in French and very easy to use.


Test these tools, as well as our MailOut outgoing mail flow protection solution, to appreciate the differences. Oktey’s MailOut solution ensures better deliverability for all your emails, which you can track in real time via a web interface. So go ahead, request a free test at!


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