Altospam: protection against malware

by Altospam

How to stop viruses effectively?

Fear of infection by a computer virus is on the rise among companies worried about their data. Today, most users have an antivirus installed on their computer to defend against malware attacks. Yet each virus has its own characteristics and methods of attack: some remain hidden on the hard disk for several months, then reveal themselves and block use of the computer. The first way to protect yourself against viruses is to install an antivirus program, but above all to scan your workstation periodically and frequently. But there’s more to it than that: several layers of analysis are now needed to provide real, effective protection against ransomware and Trojans.

Altospam, the solution against computer viruses!

ALTOSPAM is integrated SaaS software that protects against spam, viruses, scams of all kinds and phishing. It enables companies to secure their mail servers and all their email addresses. Altospam’s cutting-edge software is installed in the cloud, directly on the Internet. It combines 16 anti-spam technologies, 6 anti-viruses and security services such as anti-relay, anti-scam, anti-ransomware, anti-fovi, anti-phishing, anti-advertising and protection against denial-of-service attacks.

Multiple benefits!

Altospam is a French anti-spam hosted in France with high performance on spam, phishing and scams. To effectively protect its customers from malware, ransomware, Trojans and all types of malware, Altospam has developed a multi-layered protection system based on successive analysis by 6 antivirus programs and 4 technologies for detecting unknown viruses: suspicious file detection, file signature analysis, on-the-fly macro analysis, and file matching detection.

Altospam offers ad filtering for because, by default, this type of e-mail is authorized for all users. within the meaning of the law. Altospam does not automatically block them, but the activation anti-advertising is available if needed.

What’s more, if your mail server is ever unavailable, Altospam takes care of message retention and distribution as soon as the connection is re-established.

Altospam can be set up in just a few minutes using a email traffic redirection. It’s a high-performance tool that’s easy to use. is designed to be easy to use and transparent for users. The latter get their emails back as usual, minus the junk mail. The time spent processing emails is greatly reduced, and this French solution every effort is made to avoid false positives, i.e. legitimate messages that should not be not be wrongly blocked. However, if this happens (rate of 0.01%), the sender and recipient are quickly informed.

Finally, Altospam’s strength lies in the responsiveness and relevance of its telephone and email support. Go to to request a test or a quote!

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Thousands of companies, CTOs, CIOs, CISOs and IT managers already trust us to protect their e-mail against phishing, spear phishing, ransomware, …